Support > Setup > What Lights Are Needed for Christmas Packages
Lights for display items in our Christmas Packages/Christmas Controller Packages are included, but other lights are unique to the display are not included. Below is a list of lights recommended to complete the display:
Christmas Package 16 Outputs:
House lights C9s and Icicles long enough to cover your roof line - C9 LightsIcicle Lights
10* Strands Mini Lights for Mini Trees/Yard Outputs - Mini Lights
Christmas Package 32 Outputs and Above:
House lights C9s and Icicles long enough to cover your roof line - C9 LightsIcicle Lights
10* Strands Mini Lights for Mini Trees/Yard Outputs - Mini Lights
16** Strands Mini Lights for Mega Tree - Mini Lights
* Our LED Mini Trees are 100ct and LED Candy Canes are 99ct. Both require 2x 50ct strands for each item (total of 20 strands). If installing on trees/bushes/etc in your yard can use either 50ct or 70ct.
** To build a 20ft Mega Tree 70ct strands are recommended as they are 23ft in length.
Note: Lights above are only recommendations. Different color/style lights can also be used.